Every year in the spring volunteers stream into New Orleans to donate their time. effort and energy to the process of rebuilding the community. It is almost 8 years since the Federal Levees failed and flooded 80% of the city and the volunteers keep on comin'.
There is something special about the city not to be found anywhere else. If you haven't had a chance to feel it come on down!
Water flowing into the Lower Ninth Ward caused by levee breach.
It is rewarding to see the numbers of volunteers continuing to stream into New Orleans to lend a hand. While 7 1/2 years is a long time, it is typical to see a 10-year recovery perior from major disasters.
New Orleans' population has been declining since the '60's as have most urban areas. The good news now though is that our dear city has been gaining population in the last few years. This is not the case across the board in many urban areas. While many of the evacuees from 2005 have not returned there is a new immigration into the city, this new wave of New Orleaninans is made up of young, tech savvy, socially and envirinmentally conscious individuals.
We are coming up on another Spring wave of volunteers, if you are looking for a rewarding experience get involved.
Pictured a group from lowernine.org.
A significant portion of the new wave of immigrants have come to vilunteer ans stayed to renovate and rejuvinate.
There is one here for you.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Bill R